

Treatment for TMJ Pain

Treatment for TMJ Pain

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders Have you ever experienced pain or clicking in your jaw with chewing, talking or movement? Becoming more prevalent in our society, jaw or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain has been reported to effect between 5 and 12% of the population! This stat was retrieved from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Before we start talking about treatment for TMJ pain and other forms of jaw pain, let’s take a look at the anatomy of the jaw. This will help to understand possible causes of your symptoms. Anatomy of the Temporomandibular Joint [caption id="attachment_1246" align="alignleft" width="300"] The temporomandibular joint, highlighted in red color[/caption] The TMJ is formed by the skull and the jaw bone, or mandible. It is the main joint involved in opening and closing…
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Treatment After an Auto Accident

Treatment After an Auto Accident

Have you ever been in a fender bender, or more serious car accident?  If so, you most likely sustained a whiplash injury.  You may have even sought out treatment after an auto accident.  Interestingly, even when the fender bender is less than 10mph, it can still have a dramatic effect on the spine.  If it is not treated properly, you can deal with these injuries for the rest of your life. Why Don't you Hurt Immediately Following an Auto Accident? Most people who are in car accidents do not have a lot of pain at the time of the accident because of the adrenaline rush you get.  After the adrenaline wears off the next day or a week after the accident, people start to feel pain throughout the body. Common…
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What is a CCSP ®?

What is a CCSP ®?

[caption id="attachment_1058" align="alignleft" width="174"] Retrieved from ACBSP.com[/caption] As you may have noticed a few of our chiropractors have the letters “CCSP ®” after their names, but didn't know the relevance to the care you receive.     What is a CCSP ®? It refers to a Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner (or Physician, depending on the state board).  We're often asked by patients 'what is a CCSP ®? This certification gives chiropractors specialized knowledge of sports injuries, in turn helping athletes to optimize their athletic performance. Overall, a CCSP ® has a well developed and advanced understanding of neurological and musculoskeletal function.  Additionally, they possess a greater understanding of how it affects performance when an tissue has been overly stressed or injured.  The CCSP ® is the initial certification in sports related care for chiropractic.…
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5 Common Symptoms of Lumbar Disc Herniations

5 Common Symptoms of Lumbar Disc Herniations

5 Common Symptoms of Lumbar Disc Herniations   To understand why we see these 5 common symptoms of lumbar disc herniations, we must first understand what a disc herniation is.  Let's take a more in depth look at the structures of the spine and discover what a “hernia” really is. [caption id="attachment_970" align="alignleft" width="416"] Illustration: Lumbar Spine disc herniation[/caption] The spine, or vertebral column, is made up of 33 bones known as vertebra. In between these vertebra are disk-shaped cushions of connective tissue known as the intervertebral discs, which helps to maintain alignment and permits movement of the spine. It is important to maintain good intervertebral disc health and joint space between each vertebra to avoid the development of degenerative joint disease. The term “hernia” refers to a part of…
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Understanding Shoulder Pain

Understanding Shoulder Pain

Understanding Shoulder Pain   Shoulder pain can manifest in a number of ways, and can be caused by a number of underlying issues. When we try to determine what is causing shoulder pain, we must be able to understand the shoulder and how complex it is. Having knowledge of how the shoulder works will go a long way toward understanding shoulder pain and how to eliminate it! Anatomical origins Similar to the lower extremity, the upper extremity has 3 main articulations or joints: the wrist, the elbow and the shoulder. Grouped into the shoulder joint is also the articulation between the shoulder blade (scapula) and the humerus bone, which completes the shoulder complex. When we discuss the shoulder, however, we aren’t just limited to talking about the extremity. The acromioclavicular joint…
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Improve Squat Form with these 5 Tips

Improve Squat Form with these 5 Tips

A squat motion is utilized in our lives on a regular basis; whether we are getting up and down out of a chair, bending down to pick something up off the ground or in the gym on leg day, it’s important to utilize proper squat form to avoid injury. With the squat movement being so prevalent in everyday life, it’s important to emphasize form and be aware of the do’s and don’ts of squat form. Here are 5 important tips on how to improve squat form and reduce the risk of developing injury. Don't feel like reading through this? Check out this step by step video here! Here's how you can improve squat form: Engage your core During a squat, just like with most movements, it’s important to brace our…
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Treating IT Band Syndrome

Treating IT Band Syndrome

Treating IT Band Syndrome Treatment available in Slippery Rock and New Castle PA Have you ever heard someone say that they’re having issues with their IT band and never really knew what it was?  Or are you someone experiencing IT band pain and don’t know what the next step for treatment is?  Your IT band, or iliotibial band, is a muscle that extends from your hip area all the way down to your knee.  The most common symptoms are pain in the hip, knee, or in between the two that worsens with activity.  We commonly see this affected in endurance athletes, such as runners or bikers, but more often than ever we are seeing it in people on a day to day basis.  Good news, treating IT band syndrome is…
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What is Chiropractic?

What is Chiropractic?

What is Chiropractic? At Elite Sports and Spine Chiropractic our focus is on optimizing your performance and potential by restoring or enhancing the body's function.  Our chiropractors treat weekend warriors, athletes, workforce injuries, auto accident and personal injuries.  At the end of the day, we have one goal in mind: return our patients to their daily routine as quickly and safely as possible. In conversation with our patients we often find that many patients have never sought out chiropractic services prior to their initial visit. Therefore, we often get asked the question, 'What is chiropractic?' and 'How can chiropractic help me?'   Chiropractic is effective for more than just spine related complaints. Traditionally, chiropractic services were founded on treating spinal dysfunction only. As the profession has developed, specialized chiropractic services…
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