Symptoms of TMJ Disorders
Have you ever experienced pain or clicking in your jaw with chewing, talking or movement? Becoming more prevalent in our society, jaw or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain has been reported to effect between 5 and 12% of the population! This stat was retrieved from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Before we start talking about treatment for TMJ pain and other forms of jaw pain, let’s take a look at the anatomy of the jaw. This will help to understand possible causes of your symptoms.
Anatomy of the Temporomandibular Joint

The TMJ is formed by the skull and the jaw bone, or mandible. It is the main joint involved in opening and closing the mouth. The articulation between these two bones is separated by a cartilaginous disc. This disc allows for smooth movement of the jaw, providing reduced friction in the joint cavity. Arthritic change or muscle irritation can cause displacement of the disc which can lead to pain and tenderness in the jaw. It may also cause popping and clicking or disruption in the movements of the TMJ when affected. Common signs of TMJ or jaw disorders include popping or clicking, muscle tenderness and joint tenderness. Pain may also present with movement. Now that you know what can cause your TMJ symptoms, let’s look at potential treatment for TMJ pain or jaw pain.
Treatment for TMJ Pain and other Jaw Disorders
Treatment for TMJ pain or jaw pain can be managed effectively by chiropractic care. In fact, many treatment options exist for this type of complaint. After evaluation of the injury a treatment plan will be administered that if specific to the patient. The main purpose here is to ensure it is safe to treat you. Our chiropractors also assess if joint or soft tissue involvement is present during this assessment.
Various options for treatment of TMJ or jaw pain in a chiropractic office include: ice or heat application, soft tissue massage to the muscles surrounding the temporomandibular joint, joint mobilization or manipulation (either manual or with various tools), rehabilitation exercises and laser therapy.
Get in Touch
Discover if treatment for TMJ pain or jaw pain at our facilities is right for you – text ‘TMJ’ to 724-510-0110 for details!